Align or not align with the persona’s information nes [paste in your webpage copy] Categorize the following keyphrases into high-level topics [paste in list of semantically relat keyphrases which you can find using this process] Build a table with three columns. In the first column list all of the persona’s information nes. Prioritize the list with the top priorities at the top. In the second column make the heading Conversion Clarity (0-5) and in that column show the conversion score on a scale of 0-5. The conversion score is the
Webpage’s ability
To both inform and persuade the visitor on a given topic. Give lower scores when the page includes very little information when the information is poorly support with evidence or when the information is indirect or vague. In the third column business email list make the heading Keyphrase Relevance (0-5) and in that column show the relevance score on a scale of 0-5. The relevance score is the extent to which the page incorporates the keyphrases from the keyphrase categories. Give higher scores if the page includes most or all of the phrases from a given category. That should do the trick. How to use this chart The insights are obvious.
Revise the page
To better meet the information nes of your visitor and to better indicate relevance for the search engine. Since the topics are lin up in rows you can do both at the same time. And since you’re already in CE Leads the AI you can ask it to write an outline or a draft. Here are the prompts You are an expert at both conversion copywriting and SEO. You have read every article on the Orbit Mia blog. You have read Andy Crestodina’s book Content Chemistry.Write an outline for a major revision to the webpage. This outline will become the structure for a page that will get scores of 5 across the board. Using the outline above write a revision to the