Improve Employee Productivity and Performance

October 12, 2023 By 4in27 0

Productivity and technology are directly related factors. Improve Employee That is, the technological resources applied to the work environment always have the objective of collaborating with the performance of all the people involved in the organization. In this way, digital transformation makes it possible to implement new processes, activities and develop new. Skills that turn work into a more productive dynamic. Digitizing a business involves challenging practices. Such as the emergence of new positions, experimentation with testing and learning, a data-driven mindset. And even changes in organizational culture that promote new ways of doing work.

Improve Employee Increase Brand Visibility

Having digital visibility is as important as building email database and offering an excellent product. After all, making sales with the help of the Internet depends on attracting the. Attention of consumers at the right time and place. With so many digital platforms and media available. Brands have several ways to communicate with their audience. However, efforts to achieve greater notoriety are extreme, since competition for attention is intense given the high level of information. In this scenario, digital transformation acts by providing information about the audience for the segmentation of campaigns and personalized communication actions .

Challenges on the Path of Digital Transformation

The very use of the word “transformation” indicates that Caseno Data a lot of work is expected. from companies willing to start a program of this type. As in any great project, we can expect challenges. At all stages of that process, but mainly in starting it. These are some of the main obstacles that prevent. Companies from implementing digital transformation. Lack of initiative is the first problem that. Companies face when addressing digital transformation. A recent study released by McKinsey & Company revealed that industries, overall, are less than 40% digitalized. Despite the relatively extensive use of the technology.