Objectives of the Digital Transformation Process in Companies

October 12, 2023 By 4in27 0

Disruptive technologies allow companies to completely convert their reality. Objectives of From the experience they offer to their customers , to the way they develop their internal processes and even the organizational culture they live daily. With so many changes possible, organizations seek digital transformation to achieve different objectives. Learn about the main ones below. Digital transformation has made it possible for companies to have a range of technologies to attract new customers and retain current ones.

Objectives of Conquer New Customers and Retain Existing Ones

Today, a business can obtain information job function email list about its consumers through applications, Big Data software , Artificial Intelligence, among others. What these technologies do is offer information so that companies understand the behavioral patterns of buyers and identify the characteristics that interfere with their decision making. In this way, technology tools collaborate so that companies act strategically and create authentic and personalized experiences, with exclusive campaigns, segmentation of offers, bonuses and much more.

Provide Basis for Decision Making

The technology that encompasses digital Caseno Data transformation has the power to manage insights and process data variables with superhuman capacity . And, although decisions are still made by us humans, this type of intelligence helps expand the possibilities. allowing us to consider specific data and not only aspects of our rationality. Such as, for example, opinions and emotions. Thus, the information provided by technology gives us input to better understand the challenges. And find solutions capable of delivering value for the consumer and positively impacting the business.