You already know and understand

October 10, 2023 By 4in27 0

 The advantages and service models that exist in cloud technology. If you are interested and want to try it out, you have to choose the cloud provider you want to use. Well, now we are going to cover one of the cloud providers which is Google Cloud. Introduction to Google Cloud Google Cloud or Google Cloud Platform is one of the largest cloud computing service providers in the world and relies on Google’s infrastructure. As we all know, Google is the birthplace and birthplace of various new technological developments in the world. Many technologies are developed by Googlers (Googlers), such as Kubernetes, Bigtable, Cloud Datastore, and these technologies are not only available.

Public can also use them through

 To Googlers, but the  Google Cloud Platform. As of now, there are more than 100 service offerings available on Google Cloud Platform. These services are divided into product groups, some of which are described in this article. Layanan Google Cloud List of services in Google Cloud If we use Google Cloud Platform, our data and information will be stored in Google’s data whatsapp number list centers. The same data center also runs Google applications such as Google Search, Youtube, Google Drive, etc. Google’s data centers are located in more than 50 regions (also called “regions”) around the world. Google Cloud Services and Products Google Cloud has a variety of cloud services, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Below are some services. Infrastructure as a Service: Compute engine .

Cloud storage virtual private

 Cloud Persistent disk Platform as a Service: Google App Engine Cloud functions Software as a service: Google Workspace (formerly GSuite) Reasons to choose Google Cloud Now you know what Google Cloud’s cloud services and products are. So why should you choose CE Leads Google Cloud as your company’s cloud provider? Here are some reasons why your company needs to choose Google Cloud. Run your application anywhere. If you like open source technology, Google Cloud is the right choice. This is because many Google Cloud services strongly support open source. It also keeps your application vendor’s architecture free, so you can run your application anywhere you want. Google is the leading data platform.