Why send your entire posts by email

October 7, 2023 By 4in27 0

Good hot morning! How are you? Good? I do. Listen, this thing about how hot it is, I don’t know if it’s happened to you, but you get up and look in the mirror and say “damn, I’m hot, I’ve lost weight!!” . And you go high until you drink the first glass of water and all the lorzas return to their place and then you discover that no. Why send it’s that it’s so hot that you’ve dried out at night… Morning highs and disappointments… and summer ones … Eeeen end. But nothing, I continue with what I do, no one beats me to loving myself . And today, mine means answering a question that Juan José Díaz from Crealogic asked me the other day on Twitter: “ man, if you send your entire content by email, aren’t you losing traffic?” ”.

The question is so good that

Although I know I have talked about it often, I think it deserves a post. Don’t you think? Because, tell me, how do you do it? You will surely reproduce the “excerpt + link” model if you have it executive email list automated or. What is more fashionable, set up a manual email with a cover letter for the post. Yeah? Automatically send a statement with a link. Back when I started, a few months ago, this was the most common. It consists of configuring our WordPress so that it only shows an excerpt in the.

RSS feed so that, when sent by email automatically, the subscriber only receives the title, a short introduction and a link to “read more”. This does generate traffic, right? Send a cover letter for the post. A few months ago some bloggers began to realize that the previous model was not producing good results. People perceived how impersonal and almost useless this automatic statement was.

Why send started writing email

Manually, where they told a little about the context or reason for the post and then a link to discover it. “Top Jedi” bloggers like Alex Navarro (although he is more Sith than Jedi, but oh well, hahahaha) use real CE Leads suspense techniques in this email, achieving brutal traffic results. Send the entire post. And what few of us do, send the entire post, in its entirety, directly to email, so you can read it as you want, whenever you want, wherever you want, classify it, etc…

A real traffic suicide for the blogger, you’ll think… right? The most widespread , apart from the Nivea Factor 50, especially at this time, is to send a cover letter, which has the advantage of much closer, more personal communication but the disadvantage is that you have to write 2 posts every time you publish: the post itself and the notification email .