This is what children think about corruption

March 3, 2024 By 4in27 0

The boys and girls are sitting in a semicircle. They are between fifteen and eight years old, they belong to the middle class. And this afternoon they have become our advisory group. To understand what television programs they watch. What topics interest them, if they feel. Or not, heard by adults. No topic is foreign to them despite the fact that, as they tell us, adults decide not to discuss certain topics with them as beings capable. Of dialogue and understanding the crises that . Families are experiencing due to social and political violence. Economic imbalances, to growing violence within the family. Girls and boys from all over the country have. A lot in common; those who live in cities or belong to indigenous. Groups that live in the countryside have.

That it is entering a new

A particular topic unites us in these. Intergenerational dialogue meetings: at what point in. Life does a young person with ethical Malaysia Mobile Number Database solidity choose the path of corruption. Why is it that a student who demonstrated solid principles and values ​​a. Few years after leaving university gets a good job, for example. In public service, and suddenly chooses to be. Part of the problem and not the solution. Girls and boys under eighteen years of age support a hypothesis. Adults are in a constant state of stress, they receive systematic blows to their economy, they live time and again experiences of injustice that. No matter how small they may seem, leave traces that they weaken them emotionally, which turns them into cynical.

where adolescents will

Believe then that adults who suffer so much give up. Yes, girls and boys reply in chorus in affirmative. Furthermore, they say, they become China WhatsApp Number List distrustful and selfish. Yes, says one boy, they become corrupt out of selfishness. They choose only to think about themselves and not about the consequences that their own actions have on other people. An eight-year-old boy, in a previous session, defined his personal vision of justice. If I give a cookie to and half a cookie to , that is wrong. I have to give the same to both of them because if I don’t. I create injustice.” another little from defined politicians as people who. Have a job in which they must improve people’s lives but instead of. Doing so they decide to steal, lie and do their job poorly.