The worst thing that can happen to you when you do analytics without understanding how the areas work

October 5, 2023 By 4in27 0

The worst thing that can happen to you when you do analytics without understanding how the areas work The worst thing that can happen to you is not that you get frustrated trying to unsuccessfully create that Data Studio report that is so necessary for your next meeting, because when you drag the metrics that you want to show the table it remains in a “no data” that you do not know where to take That happens a lot and they ask me about it a lot. Bad for many, Consuelo I love you. But not the worst.

The worst

The worst thing is not that you think that Data Studio is broken or that you are doing something wrong without knowing what. That you think is more complex or outside your level of knowledge. Because is not like category email list that. The worst thing is not that you think you need to take a course on Data Studio ( hee hee hee, I could put a link to my course here but… pass, if you’re interested you’ll definitely find it ). The worst thing, friend, darling, super friend… the worst thing is that data comes out that is apparently fine and you base your decisions on something that, in reality, is not what you think it is .

in Google

What is scope in Google Analytics? Isn’t it true that now it’s not that you want to know what scope is, but that you want to understand it? Of course, handsome! Well come on, that’s why we are in this post… In Google Analytics, data is classified according to a hierarchical structure based CE Leads on these 4 areas: User Scope . Information such as type of user, geographic location, age… Session scope . Page it started on, start time, source and medium where it came from. Hit Scope . Page being viewed, event occurring, time at which it is occurring. Product scope . If it is the iPad or the Airpods. SKU…