Why half the planet could leave their jobs in

February 29, 2024 By 4in27 0

With every new year comes certain possibilities for change. Among the purposes of many people are to travel, lose the company weight and why-half-the continue with their educational growth, but there are also many who will begin to look for a new job if they do not already have some offers on the doorstep. According to a survey of more than . Workers in different countries are looking or plan to look for a new job opportunity for the next year. The reason . Arguably one of the main reasons is poor management by leaders within companies. Job search in the world Researchers found that employees who are guided by someone honest and trustworthy are more likely to continue in the company and seek personal and professional growth within it.

Why half the planet recognize your own mistakes

The Harvard Health University points out that gratitude from supervisors helps improve the productivity Peru Phone Number List and self-esteem of employees, and also promotes a good work environment and talent retention. What inspires collaborators? Although if you have not been such a good leader this year and you fear a significant flight of collaborators, you can change your way of behaving little by little and that is why Dale Carnegie’s study shares some strategies that will help you improve. Support them those surveyed in the United States indicated that when they have made a mistake instead of receiving kind treatment and respectful feedback, their bosses only make them feel bad and embarrassed, affecting not only their self-esteem, but also their productivity.

Recognize your performance

This attitude is one of the reasons why they prefer to look for a new job offer. giphy-19 On the other hand, if a superior stops Estonia Phone Number List criticizing his workers and begins to accept his own mistakes, he will not only have a favorable work environment, he will also set an example of how one should really act. 3-. Recognize your performance giphy-14 72% of the participants in this study point out that without a doubt receiving recognition from their boss is something quite important and that they would greatly appreciate.  Value them giphy-13 Sometimes you don’t need to have a party to recognize their work, you can write something to them on social media or write a letter. For many receiving a congratulation from time to time makes them feel appreciated by the company.