The announcement that revealed to us what Queen Elizabeth II

October 25, 2023 By 4in27 0

The death of the British Queen Elizabeth II has stopped all the presses and has shocked the entire world. At 96 years old. She has become the oldest monarch in the entire history of the United Kingdom. He has been serving as regent monarch for 70 years. A date that has been commemorated this year on various occasions (and without skimping on expenses and magnitude). In fact, a concert was held in front of Buckingham Palace in which numerous pop stars and bands gathered. Such as the legendary Queen.

He has been serving as regent monarch for 70 years

But, in addition to all this, he also top industry data starred in an advertising spot alongside the classic Paddington Bear. An imaginary character from children’s literature in the United Kingdom who is about 64 years old. Since his first appearance took place in 1958. In the advertisement we could see both sitting at a table having tea. In one of the rooms of the palace. Paddington does not hesitate. Instead of opting for the tea cakes, what he does is take out a jam sandwich. Which he claims to always carry “for emergencies.” The queen shows off her humor at that moment.

Imaginary character from children's literature

As she takes out another jam sandwich CE Leads with a knowing smile. The cheers of the public, which crowds outside, become increasingly audible, so Paddington Bear encourages her to come out and greet her people, wishing her a happy anniversary. That was the last announcement in which we could see Queen Elizabeth II, to whom numerous brands and personalities such as Bill Gates, Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos have already said goodbye. Of course, there has also been no lack of goodbye from his adventure companion in the aforementioned audiovisual piece. “Thank you ‘Ma’am’, for everything,” Paddington Bear says in a tweet that has gone viral.