Are mexican women less corrupt than men?

February 29, 2024 By 4in27 0

Raffic police officers of the state of wear. Black caps, pants and shirts. Additionally, they have a pair of white gloves hanging from their belts next to a ticket machine ready. To print tickets for drivers who don’t follow the law. Some have added a personal touch to their uniform, whether it be nail polish or eye shadow. There has been a small revolution in the traffic. Department of the state of . Five years ago the authorities decided that only women. Should do the job, because they. Are more trustworthy. Currently, there are about 400 women in the traffic police. Corruption is a massive problem in . It costs the country billions of dollars a year and a bad reputation. In the state of , the most populated. In the country and, at the same time, one of the poorest, it is an. Even bigger problem. Judith , driving, and , in charge of issuing. Fines, go out on patrol. “some drivers are aggressive and feel uncomfortable when a woman gives them a ticket,” says .

Machismo vs corruption

They are used to being the strong and powerful, to controlling.” but, she says, these are. All experiences Bolivia Phone Number List that help you grow. Work has taught him to be stronger from. An emotional point of view. Working long hours and then caring for your child can be difficult. But her 8-year-old son is proud of the work her mother does, she says with a big smile. The first offender of the day. Is a taxi driver who has not put on his seat belt. Rosa presents him with a fine of us$20, which is reduced to us$6 if paid immediately. It may not be his day, but is positive. “things have improved,” he says as he. Waits to receive his fine. “from man to man, corruption is easier. The treatment you receive from a woman is different.” police-2 women in charge the director of the traffic police. For the state of is . She has worked in policing for years and was promoted. To head of the force in 2011, when the “women only” policy was implemented.

Women in charge

There was a study done that this. Unit made up only of women. For every 100 complaints there used. To be, now Indonesia Mobile Number List there are only one or two.” but this is only part of the story. “what we have seen in the case of the police is that three out of every 10 men are approved the first time they apply to join the police force, while seven. Out of every 10 women. Pass on the first attempt,” says . , public security activist. So, from an economic. Point of view, it is better to employ women because. They are recruited much faster.” “it seems that women are less corrupt adds . But it is a much more complex issue. Than the differences between men and women. It is a structural issue, which is why we need to change the way institutions work.” women are less corrupt simply. Because they are new to the job, say some experts who. Critically analyze the decision.