Every fifth iOS-compatible mobile device from Apple already has the latest iOS 13 installed! iOS version share (as of September 26, 2019) iOS version share (as of September 26, 2019) According to Mixpanel data, as many as 20.27% of users are currently using the latest version of iOS 13, week ago . Meanwhile, 74.66% are still using last year’s iOS 12, and the remaining 5.08% are using an earlier version of iOS. It’s a pretty good start for Apple’s new mobile operating system for the iPhone and iPod touch. The data is based on visits to websites and apps that include the Mixpanel analytics suite. While this is not a 100% representation of iOS’ market share, the data was collected from approximately 200 million records, which ensures high accuracy.
It Was Still a Few Weeks
The last time Apple released official iOS version share data was in August . At that time, before the public debut of iOS 13. But by then, as many as 88% of users were using iOS 12. This share increases if we only consider users with devices released in the last four years. Apple released iOS 13 a week ago Kyrgyzstan Email List on September 19. The debut looks impressive. The success of Apple’s system distribution is all the greater if we compare it with the horribly fragmented share of Android versions. Google data shows that the most used version of Android today is Marshmallow , which was released in 2015 and is used by only 16.9% of Android device users…Comparing these two ecosystems, we can say that the latest version of iOS 13 beat the four-year-old most popular version of Android in just one week.
Of Different Phone
The reason for this difference is the complicated update system Google uses for Android. With redesigned versions of the operating system and hundreds companies and models, it is much harder to get the majority to use the latest version of the systemIt’s strange that for so many years Google has failed to copy the well-functioning update system that Apple has. Whether it’s adding new features or fixing bugs, having the latest CE leads version of your system is a nice thing! Have you updated your iPhone to iOS 13 yet? Let us know in the comments below what do you think about the latest iOS? source: Cult of Mac via Mixpanel iOS 13 adoption Lukasz Majchrzyk Memoji (mobiRANK.pl) Lukasz Majchrzyk I have been dealing with Internet communication and e-marketing since 2005, I am passionate about mobile devices and new technologies – and I do not hesitate to use them.