Pricing Free Plan month

February 10, 2024 By 4in27 0

Features LinkedIn Data Export Bulk export of LinkedIn search results. Realtime Email Verification Ensures accuracy and deliverability. Chrome Extension For easy data extraction directly from LinkedIn. Pricing Free Plan month Pricing Essential Plan month for credits. Pro Plan month for credits. Elite Plan month for credits. Unlimited Plan month for unlimited credits. wiza pricing See Wiza Alternatives Lix Lix is a tool for extracting LinkedIn profile data offering a range of features to help users gather and manage contact information efficiently.

Lix findymail alternative Pricing Free Plan month

It emphasizes validated email extraction South Korea Email List providing accuracy and effectiveness in lead generation. Features LinkedIn Data Extraction For profiles and contact information. Validated Emails Ensures accuracy in email extraction. Credit Rollover Monthly credits rollover and expire after a year. API Access For programmatically accessing profile data. Pricing Starter month credits. Leads Plan Custom pricing email credits vary. Data Plus Plan Custom pricing tailored for data mining. lix pricing See Lix Alternatives Prospeo is an email finding tool designed for efficient business outreach.

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It provides verified email

Addresses enabling users to scale their South Korea WhatsApp Number operations. prospeo findymail alternative The tool offers email finding from names domains and LinkedIn profiles along with email verification for high accuracy. Its known for its userfriendly interface bulk processing capabilities and Chrome extension for seamless integration with web browsing and LinkedIn. Features Email Finder Discover emails using names and companies. Domain Search Find emails associated with domains or companies. LinkedIn Email Finder Extract and verify emails from LinkedIn profiles. Email Verifier Check deliverability of email addresses. Chrome Extension Find and verify emails directly in the browser. for credits. Starter Plan month for credits. Growth Plan month for credits. Pro Plan month for credits.