Gingerbread if you want” (c) as my favorite heroine Tosya from “Girls” said.Building prospects for the development of the film screening market in our country should be base on an analysis of its current state, and you can’t argue with that. However, qualitative analysis requires reliable information about the results of film distribution and poses the problem of the methodology of its analysis for researchers.There is a lot of information about the rental, there are even specializd research companies Movie Research and NEVAFILM RESEARCH, which regularly publish their market research data. – and in abundance, but the question of its reliability remains open.WHO AND HOW DISTORTS THE FILM RELEASE INDICATORS?It is believd that all links in the chain of.
Russian and foreign cinema
Are involvd in the distortion of the real picture of film distribution: CINEMA – DISTRIBUTOR – PRODUCER.Of this “triad of perpetrators of distortion”, most of all they write and talk about cinemas, the situation in which they describe the situation according to Karamzin and aphoristically clearly: “they steal”. At the same time, distributors and producers Ukraine Email List look like innocent sheep, unwitting hostages of the situation with the distribution of their films by dishonest cinemas and can only turn to heaven (options: to the president, to the government, etc.) with a cry: “When, finally, will a single electronic a ticket that will end the rampant theft of movie theaters?” . Let’s try, being of sound mind and solid memory, to understand all the variety of forms of theft of Russian cinema.
CINEMAS Theft at the grassroots
Level (controller, cashier, shift administrator. Security guard), when the cinema line staff let the audience into the hall (for an appropriate bribe). Bypassing the cinema box office.One of the oldest and most experiencd market specialists, Karo Premier CEO Alexei Ryazantsev, estimatd these CE leads losses at 5-7% of the box office: “This is a human factor when ticket collectors, controllers let in without tickets” (“Cinema theaters hide a lot” , Vzglyad , May 25, 2011).Let’s try to understand how this estimate is correct. It is known that the total receipts of cinemas in the country in 2011 amountd to $ 1’122’041’047, the average ticket price is 208 rubles, the maximum number of screens is 2628 (as of 1.11.2011 according to Nevafilm Researches, Cinemascope N36, 2011).