The first cashless store of the Take&GO chain, after the. Early Access test phase, has been opend. The creators of the innovative format are already preparing to open more outlets. The announcd Take&GO cashless store is now open 24 hours. A day, 7 days a week and is locatd at ul. Półwiejska 13 in Poznań. The cashless store is a completely new shopping experience. We give you the opportunity to do shopping conveniently and quickly. But above all in a completely new format – says. Marcin Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of Surge Cloud. Customers’ first impressions are very positive. instant. Shopping process with the support of modern technology.
Is Already Behind Us
There is still a lot of work and observation ahead of us, but the first important stage – continues Dąbrowski. What does the purchasing process look like in Take&GO? After downloading it, we will be askd to provide some necessary data and connect a payment card, which we will pay for Tanzania Email List purchases. Just like with popular services like Uber or Lime. After configuring the application, you can enter the store using the QR code and make your first purchases. There is an assortment of about 900 products to choose from – mainly groceries and a wide selection of sandwiches, fresh juices or ready meals.
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All this in a unique space using modern screens (digital signage) that inform . The consumer will pay for his products in the so-calld checkout zone, where there is a shelf on which we can put shopping. After a while, without the nd to scan the goods, a shopping list will be displayd on CE leads the screen. All thanks to the RFID tags that are on every type of assortment. It is enough for the customer to accept the list and the payment will be taken from his card. The invoice is sent to the e-mail address providd and available in the application. Interest in this type of format is already very high.