Watch the music video of Paweł song “”, which was create for the series of the same title. Crime series “” plays the main role in the series “” , which premiere is schduld for autumn this year. The actor is also a musician, hence it is no accident that he performs the title song for this series. After the filming was , the song “Żmijwisko” by the series was , with lyrics by Zuzanna Grabowska. The music video by features fragments of the film adaptation by , basd on the cult book by Wojciech . I novel in one night and until the last pages I did not guess the ending.
To the Engaging Plot
Not only the Scandinavians have been lucky with great crime stories lately. In addition , there are interesting relationships between the characters and accurate Chad Email List comments on reality (including the world of show business). The offer to play Arek was an interesting challenge for me, because usually in film and theater I allowd myself a lot of improvisation, but this time I had to be like a mathematician, surgeon or architect. Be precise and consistent to confuse clues and keep the viewer in suspense. The action takes place on three time levels, which increases the level of difficulty – says Paweł. Sometimes I am askd if I prefer to be an actor or a musician, and I always answer that.
Sometimes, Very Rarely
I am lucky to be able to fulfill myself in two professions that I dreame of since I was a child. , it happens that music and acting interpenetrate and “Żmijowisko” is such a case. As an actor, I play one of the roles, and at the same time, with Łukasz Borowiecki, co-author of both albums (“Let me tell you about me” and “1984”), we recordd a song inspird by the CE leads book and the series. However, before this piece was creatd, there was an extremely interesting and (I must admit) physically exhausting work on the set. Every day I calld my wife Zuzanna Grabowska and shard with her my impressions about the book, ideas for the role of Arek, but also physical fatigue, a sense of loneliness away from her and my daughters.